Impressive Show of Democratic Support

The Democratic Women of Clifton Display Strong Turn-out at Clifton 4th of July Parade
Clifton 4th of JulyThe Democratic Women of Clifton and other local Democrats marched in support of Democratic candidates Barack Obama, Mark Warner, and Gerry Connolly at the Clifton 4th of July parade. The “sea of blue” Democratic marchers numbered well over 150 and included 11th District Congressional candidate Gerry Connolly, 39th District State Senator George Barker, Braddock District Supervisor and Vice Chair Sharon Bulova, and Clifton Mayor and Connolly supporter Tom Peterson. 
Ruth Miller, Springfield Democratic District Committee (SDDC) Chair,  many SDDC members and Sully District Chair, Mary Lee Cerillo, participated.  The Coordinated Campaign, led by Chris Malone, Springfield District Field Coordinator, provided several participants, as did the Warner and Connolly campaigns.  The Obama Campaign sent an Obama Fellow with several Obama campaign workers — some even joining us from Maryland.  One enterprising Clifton resident created an event on the Obama website and signed up volunteers pre- and post-parade.
Democratic Women of CliftonThe Democratic Women of Clifton marched to John Philip Sousa music, led by flag bearer and DWC member, Chris Randon, followed by the DWC banner and our wonderful Democratic contingent.  Outnumbering participating Republicans 10:1 and demonstrating true family values, approximately 125 members of the Democratic Women of Clifton and their families participated in the parade.  With some families pushing babies in strollers and others with family pets dressed for the occasion with signs announcing their Democratic Pride, the Democratic Women of Clifton sent the message:  YES WE CAN and YES WE WILL win!
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