Monthly meeting of the Springfield District Committee of FCDC. Chair: Lawrence Webb.

What should we be doing to LOVE the heck out of our country and how we can we fight back now?
Join the Friday Power Lunch this week where we will speak with David Pepper (Pepperspectives on Substack) on the attacks on Democracy, the digital coup, the defunding of government agencies, the firing of IGs and Justice officials, the recent appointments of MAGA fanatic and “deep state” conspiracist installed by Donald Trump to top cabinet positions, and why the courts are the bulwark of holding Trump accountable.
We look forward to hearing from:
– Luisa Boyarski, Virginia Grassroots Coalition – Grassroots Update
– Carrie Short, Coastal Anchor – Playbook Building leaders
– Finale Norton, Show Messenger – Black History Spotlight
Monthly meeting of the Asian & Pacific Islander Caucus of FCDC. Chair: Reggie Meneses.
This is a federal and Virginia holiday.
Every third Monday of February (February 20) we celebrate Presidents’ Day in all its patriotic glory. Many people relish their day off of work, but they might be surprised to know that that was the point! In 1971, Presidents’ Day moved in an effort to create more three-day weekends for the public in the hope that this would inspire greater productivity nationwide. It was believed that at this point in the year, the restorative effects of the winter holidays have begun to fade and people need another break to regain some of that lost stamina.
Monthly meeting of the ELVP Committee of FCDC. Chair: Megan Challender.
Monthly meeting of the 11th Congressional District Democratic Committee. Chair: Manisha Singh.
Monthly meeting of the Mount Vernon District Committee of FCDC. Co-Chairs: Gina Medsker & Cisco Minthorn
Monthly general meeting of the Mason District Democratic Committee. Chair: Eddie Conde
Bi-monthly meeting of the Providence District Committee of FCDC. Co-Chairs: Abby Sugrue & Matthew Savage.
Monthly meeting of the Braddock District Committee of FCDC. Co-Chairs: Rich Weiss & Marguerite Wiese
Monthly meeting of the Dranesville District Committee of FCDC. Chair: Mike Signer
Monthly meeting for the National Affairs Committee of FCDC. Chair: Sandra J. Klassen.

This class is for people with a basic knowledge of VAN*, and will cover creating a list, scheduling events, and other topics according to the needs of the class. You will be ready to be a valuable member of a data team upon completion of this class!
Please bring a laptop, if possible. Late registrations and walk-ins may not be admitted.
*Please note: This class is limited to current members of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee.

Join us for a free, in-person celebration of Black History Month!
Voices of Change will focus on empowering political power and advocacy within the Black community. Engage in meaningful conversations, share experiences, and learn how you can make a lasting impact in your community. Hear from influential local leaders – Supervisor Rodney Lusk, Supervisor Andrea Bailey, and County Board Member Julius D. “JD” Spain, Sr., as they share their insights and experiences. Together, we’ll honor the past, celebrate the present, and shape a brighter future.
This training is for people who either need a quick VAN refresher or are particularly tech-savvy. It covers all the VAN basics – creating and editing profiles and lists, event management, cutting turf – in about half the time of the in-person classes, VAN 101 and VAN 201.
This class moves quickly and does NOT include a lot of time for practice. Handouts will be provided for reference.
This is a virtual class, offered via Zoom.

Join DAD for our monthly breakfast as we welcome our guest speakers, Attorney General Candidates Jay Jones and Shannon Taylor.
With the advent of a second Trump term as President, the need for a Democratic Attorney General for the Commonwealth couldn’t be more imperative. Trump’s egregious attempt to freeze federal funding went unchallenged by AG Miyares. Upholding the constitution and protecting VA families is on the ballot this election year.
Come hear the candidates address these important issues.
- 7:30 AM: network
- 8:00 AM: breakfast and speaker
* FCDC does not endorse during primary campaigns. Any Democratic candidate or candidate’s committee may add their Fairfax County events to the FCDC website calendar.
Monthly meeting of the FCDC Precinct Operations Committee. Chair: Maria Vorel.
Monthly meeting of the Environmental Committee of FCDC. Chair: Ken Sandler.