FCDC Officer Vacancy Announcement

FCDC Vice Chair South Kate Wilder has announced her resignation after nearly three years of service.  We appreciate all of Kate’s hard work and commitment to the Democratic Party and her work for FCDC through the years.  She will be missed at Steering Committee.
FCDC will elect a new Vice-Chair South at our next FCDC Meeting on July 22. The Vice-Chair South must be a member of either Springfield, Mt. Vernon or the Lee Magisterial District.  The officer’s duties are to help manage joint campaigns including assisting the Finance Committee with fundraising for FCDC’s Joint Campaign.

Prospective candidates should submit a statement of under 500 words regarding their biography and a statement of why they are running on or before July 15 at 5 PM. All statements received by that date will be posted on the FCDC website and names will be placed on the pre-printed ballot.  Nominations will be permitted from the floor.    It is strongly suggested that all interested candidates contact the following three officers to discuss the position: Scott Surovell (chair@fairfaxdemocrats.org), Barbara Caputo (north@fairfaxdemocrats.org), and Lola Quintella (central@fairfaxdemocrats.org).