Report from the (soggy) trenches

The forecast called for heavy rain and gusty winds.  Yet many still came out to canvass this past weekend.  Thank you volunteers – your help is really appreciated! These are the numbers by magisterial district:
Braddock: 40 volunteers knocking 1,265 doors
Dranesville: 71 volunteers knocking 2,610 doors
Hunter Mill: 23 volunteers knocking 505 doors
Lee: 37 volunteers knocking 1,347 doors
Mason: 40 volunteers knocking 1,282 doors
Mount Vernon: 29 volunteers knocking 1,029 doors
Providence: 21 volunteers knocking 1,283 doors
Springfield: 14 volunteers knocking 561 doors
Sully: 23 volunteers knocking 1,715 doors
That’s a total of 298 volunteers! Take that, Hurricane Hanna!