Sully Dems Adopt a Highway

May 4, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 11:30 am America/New York Timezone
Greenbriar Park
4600 Stringfellow Rd

It’s the Sully Dem’s 13th consecutive trash pickup on Saturday, May 4th !

When: Saturday May 4th, 2024

  • 9:00-9:30 AM – Social time – Coffee (regular and decaf) and goodies.
  • 9:30-11:?? AM – Join your fellow Trashketeers for a leisurely stroll on Stringfellow Rd. You get some nice conversation to accompany your good deed.

Where: Our rally point is the parking lot at Greenbriar Park, 4600 Stringfellow Rd, Fairfax, 22033. Look for the vehicle with a “Sully Democrats” banner.
What to bring: You, the rest of your group and good cheer. Please bring your own work gloves, if desired. We will provide you with safety vests, trash bags, and grabbers.
Young Participants: Persons aged 10-18 years can participate in groups of six youth accompanied by one adult. If you plan to bring children under age 10, please let me know so I can get permission from VDOT. I will be glad to sign school volunteer forms.
Questions? Email John at [email protected]