Candidates for FCDC Leadership Positions

On Tuesday, January 9th, the members of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee will elect a Chair and other Officers.  Only the members who duly filed by the December 1st, 2017 deadline will be eligible to participate.

Click here for the sample ballot

FCDC Reorganization Meeting and Election of Chairs and Officers
Tuesday, January 9th, 2018
W.T. Woodson High School Auditorium
9525 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031
Check-in begins 7:00pm / Meeting begins 7:30pm
Ballot collection will be open from 8:15 until ten minutes after the close of candidate speeches.

The election is governed by the Call to Caucus and Resolution for Reorganization which details how ballots are distributed and how the January 9th meeting will be conducted.  The event is open to the public but because of limited space, access to the auditorium may have to be restricted to voting members and registered observers.

The following is a list of the candidates along with information that they have provided:

Paul Jameson for FCDC Chair

facebook page

The most relevant experience for chairing a Democratic committee is actually having successfully chaired a Democratic committee.

A Democratic committee is full of people with different personalities, and different strengths. We’re all volunteers, and the leader of a Democratic committee cannot order the volunteers to do something. The volunteers need to be persuaded, and see leadership by example. This is what I have done with the Providence Democrats.

While Providence Dems chair, I concentrated on growing the committee, and seeing to it that we were well-organized at the precinct level. Before Reorganization, we had over 200 members. At Reorganization, we hit the limit of 180 members, and we’ll get back to over 200 members again. I worked relentlessly to recruit precinct captains, so that we had a captain in every precinct, trained in using VoteBuilder, and able to recruit volunteers within the precinct. We had precinct captain training at least once, sometimes twice, every year.

It paid off with great voter turnout in 2017. In 2015, we defeated an incumbent Republican school board member.

I want to Empower our members to have the resources and encouragement to turn out the vote at the precinct level.

I want to Energize  our members to participate as fully as possible in the organization, and inculcate a culture of mutual respect for our fellow members.

I want to Elect Democrats, because we need to advance Democratic values, which at their core are The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number, With Dignity for All.

Dan Lagana for FCDC Chair

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My name is Dan Lagana and I’m running for Chair of the Fairfax County Democratic  Committee as part of the Stronger Tomorrow team. I’m a 33-year-old Army veteran and Fairfax County native. I’ve run campaigns and I know what it takes to win. Recently, I managed Kathy Smith’s successful race for Sully District Supervisor. I got my start in politics because I showed up. I went door knocking for President Obama’s reelection and worked my way up. Now, I’m an officer on FCDC, where I’m responsible for our campaign activities, from ordering our sample ballots to mailings and strategic direction for Karen Keys-Gamarra’s school board race. These experiences have taught me that to get work done, you need a well-thought-
out plan and a strong team. Here is a short overview of our plan:

  • Campaign hard in 2018 to win big in the 2019 local elections. Talk to voters whose partisan leanings we don’t know. That data will help the 10th CD candidate, but will also give us a better foundation for the 2019 local elections and help to get rid of Elizabeth Schultz.
  • Community service and public outreach. In performing small acts of service we build our brand, expand our network and connect ourselves to communities throughout Fairfax County.
  • Shore up our internal operations. This will begin by creating an internal “think tank,” onboard new members, and improve our IT and cybersecurity.

Please visit to read our plan in detail. Thank you and I hope to earn your vote

Patti Dinkelmeyer for Vice Chair South


Hello, My name is Patti Dinkelmeyer, and I’m running for FCDC Vice Chair South. I grew up in Fairfax County and have been a Lee District member for the past 7 years. I’m a graduate of Fairfax County Public Schools and Virginia Commonwealth University, with a degree in Political Science.

As a former FCDC HQ employee and as a volunteer, I have experience with the day-to-day work that keeps FCDC going. I learned and taught others how to use our fundraising and member/volunteer management tool, NGP and I have extensive experience with VAN Votebuilder. In 2010 and 2012, I was hired by FCDC, as a Regional Field Director to help replace a Tea Party majority on the Herndon town council with a majority of progressive women. I’ve also managed our summer intern program and worked on many other important programs like fundraisers, absentee voting, back to school nights, the voter guide and sample ballots. For the last four years I have been working for Dranesville District County Supervisor John Foust.

This year we have an unprecedented influx of new committee members and I am running to help us solidify that growth and further strengthen and expand our committee. I am proud to be running alongside Dan Lagana and the Stronger Tomorrow Team. Dan has put a lot of thought and effort in bringing together a variety of skills and perspectives and I hope we can all earn your vote at our January 9th FCDC reorganization.

Lainie Singerman for Vice Chair Central

Facebook page

My name is Lainie Singerman and I am running for Vice Chair Central.

Raised in Fairfax County, I’m now an attorney at a local firm in Fairfax.  I represent crime victims and others who have been injured due to others’ negligence.  I also provide free legal representation to victims of domestic violence.  In May, I was elected to serve on the 11th Congressional District Democratic Committee. As an FCDC officer, I will stand up for progress and inclusiveness and promote a culture of professionalism.

My experience on Democratic campaigns in Northern Virginia will allow me to effectively work with FCDC members, candidate campaigns, and the Coordinated Campaigns.  I began volunteering for John Kerry 2004, when I also formed a Young Democrats Club at Oakton High School, and volunteered or worked on a dozen campaigns in the years since.

At UVA Law, I gained a new perspective about the need for progressive change in state and local government.  I worked for the Virginia Capital Representation Resource Center, which represents death row prisoners; at the Innocence Project fighting wrongful convictions; and as a public defender in Charlottesville/Albemarle County.

Now that Democrats have a clear mandate from Fairfax County voters, I want to help FCDC take a more active role in making policy recommendations to Democratic elected officials.  It’s finally time to realize the progressive change Democrats have been fighting for years to achieve.  To that end, I ask for your vote for myself and the Stronger Tomorrow team on January 9.

Erika Yalowitz for Vice Chair Central

Facebook page

I’m a firm believer in choice and opportunity. The original race was unopposed and I felt a personal call to jump in and bring my strengths to the service of FCDC in the Vice-Chair Central position. I trust that members will weigh in merit, experience and track record to make the best election for our organization.

My relevant experience to VC Central: I’ve served FCDC as a Precinct Captain for Tysons and Rotonda since 2014. I have recruited, trained and retained volunteers. I’ve run phone banks, canvasses and voter registration drives almost every weekend. In three years, I tripled the Democratic vote in my precincts while the Republican vote was cut in half. I’ve also served in the planning of Candidates’ Forums and other events. I am Spanish bilingual, and I have collaborated in the translation of Early Voting and other materials.

I’m a social advocate. My experience in advocacy began 15 years ago, working on Human Rights campaigns with Amnesty International in London, U.K.. have been a Democrat since I moved to this Country from my native Colombia in 2007. A citizen since 2012, and an officially registered democrat since 2014.

My priority for FCDC is diversity. Minorities account for almost HALF of the County’s population with a large portion being Hispanic or Latino voters. So, where are the diverse members and candidates? I know how grow our diversity and I hope you will help me move FCDC to the place it should be, with your vote. Thank you!

Click to read Erika’s complete candidate introduction

Jay Reddy for Vice Chair North

Facebook page

I’m running to remain Vice Chair North, my current position, and I am humbled and honored to be part of a great team of thoughtful, hard-working candidates for FCDC officer positions. I truly believe this team will live up to its promise of a Stronger Tomorrow. I ran for Vice Chair North 2 years ago with a goal of focusing on where FCDC adds the most value, in local elections where candidates need us the most. FCDC accomplished much by giving extra attention to the school board special election and several targeted Delegate races in 2017, and everyone in FCDC should be proud of what all of us together accomplished.

Going forward, our primary mission this next cycle is to finally defeat Barbara Comstock. I came up in the local Democratic Party with defeating Comstock as a primary personal goal all 5 times she has been on the ballot: as a freelance volunteer for Delegate Margi Vanderhye; as a precinct captain and new Dranesville Democratic Committee member while helping Pamela Danner, Kathleen Murphy, and John Foust; and as Vice Chair North and also as Dranesville Vice Chair of Precinct Operations while helping LuAnn Bennett.

In 2018, we will not fail, because Comstock no longer has the cover of a Democratic President, and we will hold her
account able for her faithfulness to Trump’s destructive agenda. I want to finish in 2018 what I started in 2009, and I respectfully ask for your vote on January 9th for Vice Chair North.



Sue Rosenberg for Vice Chair North

Facebook page

I’m running to elect Democrats and that’s the role of the Regional Vice Chairs at FCDC. I’ve worked extensively with the Regional Vice Chairs for several years, and have the experience and produced results that exceeded our goals. You’ve probably seen my work: back to school flyers, sample ballots, voter guides, and the absentee program.

If I’m elected, I pledge to serve for the full two year term. The Joint Campaign is vital to success in 2019 when 53 offices are up for election in Fairfax County! That’s ALL our State Senators and Delegates AND our local government officers!

The State Senators and Delegates we elect will vote on redistricting. Those districts – for Congress, State Senate and Delegate – influence who will represent us through 2031! The local officials, including the Board of Supervisors and School Board, who have the biggest impact on our day to day lives, are not identified by party on the ballot, so the work of the Joint Campaign is essential in letting voters know which candidates we support.

In 2018 we need to re-elect Tim Kaine, Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly, and we must replace Barbara Comstock with a Democrat who will truly represent us. I want the Joint Campaign to welcome grassroots activists to incorporate new ideas and proven techniques to help us keep Tim, Don and Gerry in office and flip Barbara Comstock out of the 10th.

When I was FCDC webmaster, I wrote that membership gives you a voice and a vote. I’m asking for your vote: Sue Rosenberg for Vice Chair, North.

Susan Johnson for Vice Chair Precinct Operations

Facebook page
Phone: (703) 409-2433

Hi, I’m Susan Johnson, and I’m running for re-election as vice-chair of precinct operations as part of the Stronger Tomorrow team. This is an exciting time to be a Democrat in Fairfax County! The Stronger Tomorrow team is poised to capture the energy and enthusiasm of everyone, be they veteran committee members or first-time volunteers, and turn it into victory for Democrats.

I have been a political junkie practically since birth, but I didn’t begin to volunteer with campaigns until 2005. During Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, I fell in love with organizing. I left my teaching career and was hired as one of the first field organizers for President Obama’s re-election campaign in Fairfax County. I have worked on several campaigns since then, and of course have knocked doors and made calls as a volunteer as well.

The best thing about organizing is supporting people as they work together for a cause or candidate they believe in. As vice-chair of precinct operations, I try very hard to “respect, empower, include” (the Obama campaigns’ motto) as I work with each
district. While I believe it is imperative that we organize precinct teams throughout the county, I want to respect each
district’s style of doing things, empower the volunteers to take charge of their own turf, while including all who want to play a role. I hope you will support me and the entire Stronger Tomorrow Team on January 9.

Bryan Graham for Vice Chair Technology


Bryan Graham is the current Vice Chair of Technology for FCDC. Bryan is an IT professional with expertise in improving the systems and processes by large customers and government agencies; he has been a member of FCDC since 2009. Bryan has recently become the chair of the Virginia Democrats Technology Working Group, working to share technology expertise across the state. His aim is to better use the technology professionals in the county to help elect Democrats and improve our organization.

Bryan understands the technology needs of FCDC. He is the former chair of the Sully District, and was intimately involved with the design of the FCDC office space and network. His work over the last few years has helped him understand the tools and systems we use in and out of elections, such as NGP and VoteBuilder. He would be thrilled to have your support for Vice Chair of Technology.

Janice Yohai for Vice Chair Voter Registration & Education


Hello Democrats!

Helping citizens vote successfully is my passion. And that’s why I am running for FCDC’s Vice Chair of Voter Registration & Education, a post I have been privileged to hold since <2012.  I lead our team of committed volunteers to help democrats choose a successful voting strategy (often early inperson), become reliable every-election voters, and understand and share their excitement with friends/family electronically.  Register, Educate, and Engage.

Our nuanced methods, carefully languaged materials, and choice of venues are based on analysis, test results and field experience — my guiding principle.  We all take justified pride in our achievements:

  • 2016 early inperson voting up 37% over Obama’s 2012 levels,
  • 2017 early inperson voter count alone up 17% over the combined inperson plus mail-in vote in comparable 2013, and
  • 29% more early inperson votes for Lu Ann Bennet (vs Comstock) traced to using our Voting FAQ card by Bennett’s Fairfax canvassers.

But it is not the Voting FAQ card alone which holds this power, but the way our knowledgeable volunteers communicate one-one-one with targeted voters about its contents.

I hope to gain your support for our work, and your vote of confidence in me as your next Vice Chair of Voter Registration & Education.

Register, Educate, and Engage.

Thank you,

Janice Yohai

Recipient of:

Fairfax County’s Barbara Varon Award (2014) “in recognition of years of exemplary volunteer service helping citizens vote, with an appreciation for the diversity of our community.”

DPVa Grassroots Award for the 11th Congressional District (2014).

Candice Bennett for Vice Chair Finance

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Candice Bennett is the Director of Development and Communications at Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services, one of the largest affordable housing non-profits in the Northern Virginia. She is a graduate of Emerge Virginia and the Sorenson Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia. In 2015, she ran for the Democratic nomination for Mount Vernon District Supervisor.

Candice has been developing and implementing communication and marketing strategies for corporations, political candidates and not–for–profit organizations since 1998, having started her career at Penn, Schoen and Berland. As a small business owner, she has consulted for companies such as Microsoft, Ruder Finn and the Consumer Technology Association. She is a past President of the Junior League of Northern Virginia where she continues to volunteer. Candice currently serves on the Boards of Directors for the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial and the Lorton Station Community Association. Candice was appointed by Governor McAuliffe in 2017 to serve on Virginia’s Fair Housing Board.

Candice received her M.A. in Security Policy Studies and B.A. in International Affairs from The George Washington University. Candice resides in Lorton with her husband, Tom, and their two cats, Simon and Zoe, and their chihuahua, Riley.

Tiffany Pryce for Vice Chair Outreach

I’m Tiffany Pryce, from Lee District, and I’m running for Vice Chair for Outreach.

If you’re like me, you woke up after last year’s election feeling depressed and angry, but motivated to do more. I joined FCDC in hopes to double down on my goal to effect positive change in my community. No matter the tomfoolery happening in Washington, we all have the power to resist hate, uplift underrepresented voices, and champion equity in Fairfax County.

My commitment to advocating for and servicing our local community is why I’m running. I’d like to better connect FCDC with the community through service and build strategic partnerships with affinity groups and our standing committees.

In Lee, I’m actively involved in our Social Action Committee where we partner with local nonprofits to volunteer. I’d like to help other districts replicate that model. Through our actions, FCDC can strengthen its relationship to community-based organizations already embedded in and trusted by diverse communities thus building the Democratic brand and showing we are relevant to people’s issues and lives.

Partnering with and leveraging the talent of grassroots groups can also help FCDC expand. Working synergistically, we can reach new members and achieve mutual goals. Similarly, I’d like to foster better communication and collaboration between standing committees on outreach initiatives. To broaden our party and make civic engagement accessible and meaningful, we need to do it together.

I humbly ask for you to support me and the rest of the Stronger Tomorrow team January 9. Thanks!

Lola Quintela for Corresponding Secretary

Phone: (703) 646-1661

My name is María Dolores “Lola” Quintela and I am running for reelection as FCDC Corresponding Secretary at the General Meeting on January 9, 2018.

I have worked with FCDC for over 15 years. From precinct captain to Acting Chair of FCDC, from poll watcher to Vice Chair Central, I’ve just about done it all. For the last three and a half years, as FCDC’s Corresponding Secretary, I have made arrangements for regular meetings, extraordinary meetings, primaries and caucuses; I have managed a wide range of communication tasks, including correspondence and assorted public notices as set forth in our Bylaws.

Being a certified English-Spanish translator and editor is an asset that I have brought and continue to bring to this position. The Latino population in Fairfax County continues to grow and become a larger part of the electorate. If you are looking for someone who can reach out and relate to all in this diverse Committee of ours, I am that person. A diverse community is what makes us strong. An engaged diverse community makes us unstoppable.

I currently serve in the Diversity and Headquarters Committees. I have been elected to the 11th CDDC and I am its representative to the Virginia Democratic Women’s Caucus.

The values of inclusiveness, transparency and fairness guide my life and my work. I will continue to listen with an open mind and act decisively to fulfill the duties of the office of Corresponding Secretary. I humbly ask for your vote on January 9, 2018.

María Dolores “Lola” Quintela


Cathy Gruber for Recording Secretary

Facebook page
Click to download candidate statement/CV

A resident of Fairfax (Sully District) for 20 years, I’m the mother of triplets who are now college sophomores. I joined FCDC after the November 2016 election, and I’m part of the new energy and resistance, which includes many women like myself. I have relevant experience for this position, and I am dedicated to serving Fairfax Democrats. I’m a Managing Editor at the National Academy of Sciences and have been secretary for two organizations—a nonprofit serving persons with disabilities and my Jewish congregation.

I was a progressive Democrat before it became trendy—supporting equality and equity for all peoples and criminal justice reform, for example. I volunteered on the Sanders campaign and served as a delegate at the 10th CD conventions. I attended the Women’s March and the March for Science, and support the LGBTQ community with FCPS Pride. I have been on the Sully District Executive Committee and have done campaigning, GOTV, and data entry in Sully.

If elected, I will

· Be an impartial witness at FCDC meetings to ensure that the minutes and votes are properly documented. (I’m not part of any team.)

· Promote transparency and accountability by providing minutes to members, while keeping in mind security concerns.

· Support the creation of a sexual harassment code and policies for FCDC.

· Be a voice for a district (Sully) that will not otherwise be represented in FCDC officer positions.

· Be a voice when planning events to ensure that observances of religious minorities are taken into consideration.


Sean Perryman for Recording Secretary

Facebook page

My name is Sean Perryman and I’m running to be FCDC Recording Secretary with the Stronger Tomorrow team.

I believe in transparency, accountability, and responsiveness.  Those are crucial values to the position of recording secretary.  It’s not just about recounting a meeting but about striving to keep all FCDC members informed.  If I am elected, however, my job will not stop there.

As a member of the Steering Committee, I want to work hard to grow the Committee and elect Democrats in 2018 and 2019 and I’m committing myself to the job for the entire term.

I do not shy away from hard work and I’m capable of high level work. In my professional life, I work for Democrats as Counsel on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  Prior to working on the Committee, I worked as a civil litigator.

I’m driven by my passion for equity and advocating for marginalized communities.  I am the Education Chair for the Fairfax NAACP and I sit on multiple committees in the county, including the Affordable Dwelling Advisory Board and the Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee.

I want to expand the membership of FCDC.  I want all people and all members to feel that FCDC is welcoming and that they can have a voice here.  And, most importantly, I want to work everyday to help Democrats throughout the county win elections.

I ask that you vote for me on January 9, 2018 at Woodson High School.

Nadja Golding for Treasurer

Facebook page

My name is Nadja Golding, and I am running for reelection as Treasurer of FCDC as part of the Stronger Tomorrow team. I am deeply committed to the success of our committee, and Treasurer is the position where my particular skills and experiences make me the most effective in ensuring that success. I joined FCDC as Assistant Treasurer in 2008, spent 2 years learning the basics of the role, and have served as Treasurer since 2010. I’ve worked hard to perform all aspects of the position at a very high level.

As a member of leadership for 10 years now, I’ve come to understand that FCDC performs at its best when it has a united leadership team who are all committed to excellence and are all pulling in the same direction, supporting each other, our membership, and our candidates.

I believe it is essential that our leadership be professional, inclusive, diverse, creative, and dynamic–committed to using best
practices and open to new ideas and new people — as that is what’s necessary to build upon our successes as a committee to bring in the grassroots, encourage more progressives to become Democrats and more Democrats to become active, and ultimately to achieve electoral success for Democrats. The members of the Stronger Together Team offer that kind of leadership to FCDC. Please vote for me and the entire Stronger Together Team on January 9.

Andrew Scalise for Assistant Treasurer

Facebook page

I am Andrew Scalise and I am running for FCDC Assistant Treasurer. If Donald Trump has done anything positive for our country, it was motivating people like me to get involved. I filled out my FCDC application on November 9th last year and in the past year, I have met so many incredible people and have heard many war stories from campaigns and elections past. FCDC has really helped me come out of my shell a bit and develop skills in organizing, canvassing, and interacting in general. FCDC has given me a lot in the last year, so when Dan Lagana asked me to join the Stronger Tomorrow team, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity for me to give back to FCDC. As a practicing CPA in Tysons Corner and professor of accounting at American University, I believe I have the training and experience needed to help maintain a smooth treasury function. As your Assistant Treasurer, I will work with Treasurer Nadja Golding to ensure that every dollar brought in or dispersed is properly accounted for, that the financial reports you all receive are accurate and consistent, and that the business operations of FCDC operate as efficiently as possible. A successful business operation internally is essential to achieve our goals externally and I pledge to do my part as Assistant Treasurer to achieve our goals and help make FCDC Stronger Tomorrow.



If you have any questions about the process, feel free to contact us:

Fairfax Democrats
(703) 573-6811
[email protected]